ICT Skills Quit
01. Introduction
02. How a database works
03. Launching a database
04. Creating a new database
05. Entering information
06. Naming fields
07. Highlighting
08. Changing column width
09. Changing row height
10. Sorting
11. Filtering
12. Font styles
13. Making graphs
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01. Introduction

Databases provide a very useful way of organising, storing and retrieving sets of information – for example, a standard set of information about a group of people. Databases make it easy to collate information (e.g. questionnaire results) for use in reports, or to export to a spreadsheet program to present as graphs or charts. It is easy to search for the information you need in a database, and information can be presented in numerical, date or alphabetical order.

Most of you will be using a database that works within Windows, but is a separate program.

Superbase and Access are two of the most popular databases. Every database program works on the basis of fields. You can set up as many fields as you need to store your information in a useful way. These fields can be sorted so that you can find information easily.